

MAPs Wanted for Study on Public Perception and Wellbeing

Minor-attracted people are being invited to participate in research from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand studying public and individual perceptions of MAPs, and their effects on MAPs’ wellbeing.
If you identify as someone who is sexually attracted to minors (i.e people under the age of 16), you are fluent in English, and you are aged 18 or over, you are eligible to participate using the link below:
The following message was provided by the researcher:

“I am part of a research team at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, that is conducting a study looking at public perceptions and self-stigma among individuals with a sexual attraction to children and the impact these perceptions have on wellbeing. Data for this study is being collected through an online survey conducted via SoSci which is a secure online survey platform that uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption to protect the identity of survey participants.

We invite individuals who identify as having a sexual attraction to minors to participate in the study. Your assistance with the study would be greatly appreciated, and will help us better understand the needs of people who live with minor attraction. We will not know who you are, and will not be able to find out who you are. Any information you provide in the survey will be completely anonymous and untraceable. The platform we are using for this survey will not be collecting your IP address or any identifiable medical or personal information about you. 

Please select the link below to read more information about the study, and if you consent to participation, to complete the survey. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. We would also appreciate if you are able to share this survey with other individuals who might be interested in participating in this study.”

The project has received ethical approval from the University of Canterbury Human Ethics Committee. 

HEC reference number: 2020/139

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