The easiest ways to get involved are subscribing for email updates and making a tax deductible donation.
If you’re connected to mental health issues as a practitioner, researcher, educator, student, or community/church leader, attend our next workshop. Or invite us to speak to your colleagues or students at your institution.
If you’re attracted to children or adolescents, join our peer support group. If you’re a friend or family member of someone who is, join our support group just for people like you. Either way, also apply to attend our next workshop and we’re always looking for volunteers!
If you’re a researcher, consider joining our researcher email group, or collaborating with us on a study of people who are attracted to children or adolescents.
Regardless of your walk of life, please do consider subscribing for email updates and making a tax deductible donation. If you have a passion for working with or educating others about people who are attracted to children or adolescents, please do consider applying to become a volunteer!