Demystifying and Thriving: Understanding MAPs and Fostering Fulfilling Lives
May 2-4, 2025 in Ohio*
Although awareness of minor attracted persons (MAPs), their mental health needs, and effective therapeutic approaches to meet them is growing rapidly, many mental health providers feel unequipped to provide affirmative MAP therapy. This conference will allow attendees, both new and experienced, to have their questions and concerns addressed openly, and to become empowered to work confidently and affirmingly with MAPs. Day 1 will focus on fundamental knowledge and skills, including insight into best practice guidelines for affirming MAP therapy. Expert-led sessions will discuss the nature of attraction to minors, the multilevel stressors to MAPs’ mental health, their lived experiences and needs, and effective therapeutic approaches. Day 2 will build on this foundational knowledge and include thought-provoking and practical sessions about topics such as day-to-day issues MAPs face, self-acceptance, and thriving. The conference will include interactive presentations, panels, discussions, and processing opportunities led by mental health experts and MAPs.
- Increase competence and cultural humility in providing affirming, compassionate care for MAPs
- Recognize different levels of stigma and bias, and their effects on MAPs and providers
- Identify and discuss ways to promote wellness and thriving among MAPs
*The conference will be held at a conference venue convenient to a major airport in Ohio. (Unfortunately, we will be unable to offer online attendance.) Location and lodging information will be provided to attendees upon acceptance of their registration. A limited number of rooms for lodging will be available for reservation at reduced rates; the reservation deadline is April 4, 2025, but rooms may run out before that date.
Lunch and morning and afternoon snacks will be provided both days.
The conference program is currently being considered for CEUs, and Certificates of Completion will be provided to attendees who wish to use them to apply for CEUs to their certification boards. Please check here later for updates.
Read what others have said about the impact of our past conferences.
Holding this conference requires considerable financial resources, and B4U-ACT is a 501(c)(3) organization operated solely by volunteers on donations. If you believe in the value of this conference, please consider donating toward conference expenses or toward the financial assistance fund to permit attendance by those with multiple minoritized identities who otherwise would be unable to attend. Your donation will be doubled; donations up to a total of $1000 will be matched, and U.S. donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Check back periodically for updates and more details (including presenters).
Friday, May 2
7:00-9:00 pm Check-in and meet-and-greet. Light refreshments will be provided.
Saturday, May 3 – Demystifying: Minor-Attracted People and their Mental Health Needs
8:30 Check-in
9:00 Welcome
9:10 A Map to MAPs: Understanding Minor-Attracted People, Stressors on their Mental Health, and Guidelines for Addressing Them (Break midway through the session)
12:30 Lunch (provided)
1:30 Panel: Successes and Pitfalls in Therapy with MAPs
2:40 From Shame to Self-Acceptance
3:50 Panel: A Variety of Modalities for a Variety of Needs
5:00 Adjournment
5:30 Optional break-out sessions for processing the day
Evening social activity to be determined
Sunday, May 4 – Thriving: Extending Knowledge to Support Fulfilling Lives
8:30 Check-in
9:00 Introduction
9:10 Self-censoring in and Outside of Therapy: Promoting Authenticity
10:10 MAP Relationships and Parenting
11:15 Promoting Self-Acceptance and Thriving
12:15 Lunch (provided)
1:15 Injustices MAPs, Providers, and Researchers Face in the Mental Health Field
2:10 Concurrent sessions:
——I. Intersectionality, Neurodivergence, and Age Dysphoria
——II. MAP Youth: Needs and Challenges
3:00 Concurrent sessions:
——I. Providers’ Role in Promoting Social Justice & Advocacy for MAPs
——II. Creating Safe In-person MAP Spaces
4:00 Adjournment
4:15 Optional break-out sessions for processing and well-being check-in
Registration Information
Registration is open to professionals, researchers, educators, and graduate students in the fields of mental health, human sexuality, and other relevant fields, as well as to MAPs, their family members, and friends. Attendees may register for either day or both days. MAPs and their friends or family members may register under pseudonyms to protect their identities.
We’re committed to increasing diversity at our conferences. BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) attendees are eligible to receive a 10% discount on conference fees, claimed by adding discount code “BIPOC” at payment. We also provide financial assistance to attendees with multiple minoritized identities who otherwise would be unable to attend. Click here to apply for financial assistance (deadline March 3, 2025). We encourage attendees who are able to do so to donate to this financial assistance fund.
Registration Fees | One day | Both days |
Full registration (professionals, researchers, and educators) | $99 | $170 |
Graduate students and family members or friends of MAPs | $70 | $120 |
MAPs (fee may be waived for those in need) | $25 | $50 |
Once your registration is processed, you will be emailed with location and lodging details.
Important Deadlines:
- Application for financial assistance: March 3
- Lodging reservations at reduced rate: April 4 (but rooms may run out earlier)
- Registration: April 18
Holding this conference requires considerable financial resources, and B4U-ACT is a 501(c)(3) organization operated solely by volunteers on donations. If you believe in the value of this conference, please consider donating toward conference expenses or toward the financial assistance fund to permit attendance by those with multiple minoritized identities who otherwise would be unable to attend. Your donation will be doubled; donations up to a total of $1000 will be matched, and U.S. donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.