

MAPs Wanted for New Study on Discontinuing Therapy

B4U-ACT is supporting a new study led by Alina Göpel, a masters student at Technical University Chemnitz in Germany. The study aims to better understand the reasons why minor-attracted people may drop out of therapy. People who meet the following criteria are invited to participate:

  • Are at least 18 years of age
  • Are sexually attracted to children or early adolescents
  • Have been in therapy because of this attraction, but decided to discontinue this therapy

People who fit this description are invited to participate by completing the following 20 minute survey:

This study is linked to the “Kein Täter werden” project, which means “Don’t become an offender” in German, but it is not hosted by “Kein Täter werden”. The three main researchers behind this study (Alina Göpel, Sophie Helene Lux, and Fabian Brock) are not part of “Kein Täter werden,” but are tasked with evaluating it.

The following information sheet was also provided by the researchers. Click anywhere in the document to open as a pdf: