In the Toronto Star: Dr. James Cantor of CAMH has shown pedophilia is like a sexual orientation — a deep attraction that cannot change. Now, pedophiles who have never molested children are seeking social acceptance. Read the full article here....
In the Los Angeles Times: Pedophilia once was thought to stem from psychological influences early in life. Now, many experts view it as a deep-rooted predisposition that does not change. As a young boy, Paul Christiano loved the world of girls — the way they danced, how their spindly bodies…...
In The Guardian: The Jimmy Savile scandal caused public revulsion, but experts disagree about what causes paedophilia – and even how much harm it causes. Read the full article here....
In Slate: One summer day in the mid-1990s, Spencer Kaplan climbed aboard a bus at the camp where he was a counselor-in-training, sat down next to a little boy of about 9, and thought, “My God, I want to kiss him.” Spencer—a pseudonym—was 14. He was a short, sensitive teenager…...