Here, you find the list of all the publications that have been reviewed by B4QR over time.


Abé, C., Adebahr, Liberg, B., Mannfolk, C., Lebedev, A., Eriksson, J., Långström, and Rahm, C  (2020) “Brain structure and clinical profile point to neurodevelopmental factors involved in pedophilic disorder”, Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (2)].

Appel, J. M. (2022) “Unconventional harm reduction interventions for Minor-attracted persons”, Clinical Ethics, 18 (2), DOI: 10.1177/14777509221117981. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (3)].


Bayram, G., Parks, A., Juth, N., Rahm, C. (2021) “Health care professionals’ view on pedophilic disorder: a qualitative study”, Sexual and Relationship Therapy: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (3)].

Bekkers, L. M. J., Leukfeldt, E. R., & Holt, T. J. (2023) “Online Communities for Child-Attracted Persons as Informal Mental Health Care: Exploring Self-Reported Wellbeing Outcomes”, Sexual Abuse, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (2)]

Berryessa, C. M. (2020) “Brain Abnormalities Associated with Pedophilic Disorder: Implications for Retribution and Rehabilitation”, The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Science of Punishment, (pp.231-245), Chapter 19. Routledge. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (1)]

Blanchard, R., Beier, K. M.,Gomez Jimenez, F. R., Grundmann, D., Krupp, J., Semenya, S. W., and Vasey, P. L. (2020) “Meta-analyses of fraternal and sororal birth order effects in homosexual pedophiles, hebephiles, and teleiophiles”, Archives of Sexual Behavior: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (1)].

Bonagura, A., Abrams, D., & Teller, J. (2022) “Diagnostic Differential Between Pedophilic-OCD and Pedophilic Disorder: An Illustration with Two Vignettes”, Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51, 2359-2368, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (3)].

Brankley, A. E., Knight, R. A., & Hanson, R. K. (2022). Pedophilia is a taxon among 706 adult males assessed at a civil commitment center. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science, 131(2), 209–220. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (2)]

Brown, K. M. and Kloess, J. K. (2022) “Attitudes towards and perceptions of females who sexually offend against children: a comparison between students and professionals”, Journal of Sexual Aggression, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (4)]


Cantor, N. et al. (2022) “A Content Analysis of Posts to an Online Support Forum for ‘Girl Lovers’”, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 31 (5), DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (4)]

Casademont, F., Märker, V., Bindt, C. et al. (2023) “The Hamburg Youth Prevention Project (HYPP) for adolescents with sexual interest in children”, International Journal of Impotence Research, DOI:[Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 4 (1)].

Christophersen, L., and Brotto, G. (2024) “The Effectiveness of Educational Interventions for Mental Health Professionals in Reducing Stigmatization Toward People with Pedophilia: A Meta-Analysis”, Trauma Violence & Abuse, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 4 (3)]

Chronos, A., Jahnke, S. and Blagden, N. (2024) “The Treatment Needs and Experiences of Pedohebephiles: A Systematic Review”, Archives of Sexual Behavior, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 4 (3)].

Clayton, J., Hocken, K., and Blagden, N. (2022) “A compassionate intervention for individuals with problematic sexual interests: Group and individual outcomes in the UK”, Abuse: An International Impact Journal 3 (2), DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (2)]


Desbuleux, J.C. and Fuss, J. (2023) “The Self-Reported Sexual Real-World Consequences of Sex Doll Use”, The Journal of Sex Research, DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2023.2199727. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (3)].


Elchuk, D. L., McPhail, I. V., & Olver, M. E. (2021) “Stigma-Related Stress, Complex Correlates of Disclosure, Mental Health, and Loneliness in Minor Attracted People”, Stigma and Health. Advance online publication: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (3)].


Fafejta, M. (2021) “Coming out of People with Pedophilic Orientation”, International Journal of Sexual Health, DOI: 10.1080/19317611.2021.1913687. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (4)].

Farmer, C., Salter, M., & Woodlock, D. (2024) ‘A Review of Academic Use of the Term “Minor Attracted Persons”’, Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 25 (5), 4078-4089. DOI:[Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 5 (1)].

Franqué, F.V., Bergner-Koether, R., Schmidt, S. Pellowski, J.S., Peters, J.H., Hajak, G., and Briken, P. (2023) “Individuals under voluntary treatment with sexual interest in minors: what risk do they pose?”, Frontiers in Psychiatry 14, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 4 (1)].

Fraser, J. M., Babchishin, K. M., and Helmus, L. M. (2023) “Emotional Congruence with Children: An Empirical Examination of Different Models in Men with a History of Sexually Offending Against Children”, Sexual Abuse, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 4 (1)].


Gannon, T. A. (2021) “A compositional explanatory theory of pedophilia”, Aggression and Violent Behavior, Vol. 61, DOI: 10.1016/j.avb.2021.101662. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (2)]

Gaudette, J.P., Watt, M.C., & Lively, C.J. (2024) “Sex Differences in Stigma Reduction toward Minor Attracted Persons (MAPs) via Contact Interventions”, Journal of Psychological Research, 6 (3), DOI:[Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 5 (1)].

Glina, F. et al. (2022) “Lay People´s Myths Regarding Pedophilia and Child Sexual Abuse: A Systematic Review”, Sexual Medicine Reviews [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (4)]


Harper C. A. and Lievesley R. (2020) “Sex Doll Ownership: An Agenda for Research”, Current Psychiatry Reports, 22:54: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (1)].

Harper, C. A. and Lievesley, R. (2022) “Exploring the ownership of child-like sex dolls,” Archives of Sexual Behavior 51 (1), DOI: 10.1007/s10508-022-02422-4. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (3)].

Harper, C., Lievesley, R., Blagden N., Hocken, K.  (2021) “Humanizing pedophilia as stigma reduction: A large-scale intervention study”, Archives of Sexual Behavior. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (3)].

Heron, R. L., Schwiekert, L., and Karsten, J. (2021) “Meeting a person with pedophilia: Attitudes towards pedophilia among psychology students: A pilot study”, Current Psychology: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (2)].


Ingram, M., Letourneau, E.J., and Nestadt, P.S. (2024) “Themes Associated with Suicidal Ideation and Behavior Among People Attracted to Children”, Archives of Sexual Behavior 53, DOI:[Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 4 (2)].

Ingram, M., Thorne, E. J., Letourneau, E. J., and Nestadt, P. (2023) “Self esteem, perceived social support, and suicidal ideation and behavior among adults attracted to children”, Journal of Death and Dying, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (2)]


Jackson, T., Ahuja, K. & Tenbergen, G. (2022) “Challenges and Solutions to Implementing a Community-Based Wellness Program for Non-Offending Minor Attracted Persons”, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 31:3, 316-332, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (3)]

Jahnke, S., Bladgen, N., and Hill, L. (2022) “Pedophile, Child Lover, or Minor-Attracted Person? Attitudes Toward Labels Among People Who are Sexually Attracted to Children,” Archives of Sexual Behavior 51 (8), DOI: http://10.1007/s10508-022-02331-6. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (1)]

Jahnke, S, Blagden, N., McPhail, I. V., and Antfolk, J. (2023) “Secret-keeping in therapy by clients who are sexually attracted to children”,  Psychotherapy Research, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 4 (1)].

Jahnke, S., McPhail, I.V., & Antfolk, J. (2024) “Stigma processes, psychological distress, and attitudes toward seeking treatment among pedohebephilic people”, PLOS ONE, 19 (10), DOI:[Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 5 (1)].

Jahnke S., Schmidt, A.F., Hoyer, J. (2022) “Pedohebephilia and Perceived Non-coercive Childhood Sexual Experiences: Two Non-matched Case-Control Studies”, Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (3)]

Jahnke, S., Schmidt, A. F., Klöckner, A. and Hoyer, J. (2021) Neurodevelopmental Differences, Pedohebephilia, and Sexual Offending: Findings from Two Online Surveys, Archives of Sexual Behavior, DOI: 10.31234/ [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (1)]

Jara, G. A. and Jeglic, E. (2021) “Changing public attitudes toward minor attracted persons: an evaluation of an anti-stigma intervention”, Journal of Sexual Aggression: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (2)].

Jimenez-Arista, L. E. and Caldera, K. (2023) “Public attitudes toward teenagers with paedophilia: a qualitative examination”, Journal of Sexual Aggression, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (4)]

Jimenez-Arista, L.E. and Reid, D.B. (2022) “Realization, Self-View, and Disclosure of Pedophilia: A Content Analysis of Online Posts”, Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (3)]

Jones S.J., Ó Ciardha C and Elliott I. A. (2020) “Identifying the Coping Strategies of Nonoffending Pedophilic and Hebephilic Individuals From Their Online Forum Posts”, Sexual Abuse. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (1)].

Joyal, C.C. (2022) “The neuroanatomical bases of pedophilia and the importance of stinguishing genuine vs. acquired types: A systematic review”, Sexual Offending: Theory, Research, Prevention. DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (3)]


Lampalzer, U. et al. (2021) “Hypersexuality and Impulsivity in Self-Referred Men With Sexual Interest in Minors: Are They Related? Do They Change During Treatment? An Exploratory Pilot Study,” Sexual Medicine, Vol. 9 (5), DOI: 10.1016/j.esxm.2021.100429. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (2)]

Lawrence, A. L. and Willis, G. M. (2021) “Understanding and Challenging Stigma Associated With Sexual Interest in Children: A Systematic Review”, International Journal of Sexual Health: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (2)].

Lawrence, A. and Willis, G.M. (2022) “Understanding and influencing public attitudes surrounding people with a sexual interest in children,” Stigma and Health 7 (3), DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (4)]

Lawrence, A. L. and Willis, G.M. (2023) “Cognitive and Affective Impacts of Antistigma Interventions Surrounding People with a Sexual Interest in Children”, Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (4)]

Lawrence, A.L., and Willis, G.M. (2024) “Facilitators and Barriers to Understanding and Accepting People with a Sexual Interest in Children: A Thematic Analysis”,  Archives of Sexual Behavior 53, DOI:[Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 4 (2)].

Lehmann, R. J. B. , Jahnke, S., Bartelsc, R., Butzeka, J., Molitora, A., and Schmidt, A. F. (2023) “Public Stigmatizing Reactions Toward Nonoffending Pedophilic Individuals Seeking to Relieve Sexual Arousal”, The Journal of Sex Research, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (3)].

Lehmann, R. J. B., Schäfer, T. Fleischhauer, Schmidt, A., and M., Amelung, T. (2023) “Physical and Psychological Child and Adult Sex Cues and Their Association with Sexual Age Preferences”, The Journal of Sex Research, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 4 (1)].

Lehmann, R. J. B., Schmidt, A. F. and Jahnke, S. (2021) Stigmatization of Paraphilias and Psychological Conditions Linked to Sexual Offending, The Journal of Sex Research: DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2020.1754748. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (1)]

Leverett, S.D. and Tenbergen, G. (2023) “Recent Advances in the Neuropsychology of Pedophilia”, Sexual Offending, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 4 (1)].

Levitan, J. A., Martijn, F. M., Santaguida, M., and Seto, M. C. (2024), “Minor-Attracted Men’s Lived Experiences of Romantic Attraction”, Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 4 (3)].

Lievesley, R. and Harper C. (2021) “Applying desistance principles to improve wellbeing and prevent child sexual abuse among minor-attracted”, Journal of Sexual Aggression (forthcoming). [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (2)].

Lievesley, R. and Harper, C.A. (2024) “The interaction between perceived chronological age and physical sexual development in attractiveness judgments made by people who are attracted to children”, Psychology and Sexuality, DOI:[Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 4 (2)].

Lievesley, R., Harper,  C. A., Swaby, H. and Woodward, E. (2022) “Identifying and working with appropriate treatment targets with people who are sexually attracted to children”, Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, DOI: http://10.1080/0092623X.2022.2149437. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (1)]

Lievesley, R., Harper, C., Woodward, W., and Tenbergen, G. (2023) “Fantasy Sexual Material Use by People with Attractions to Children”, Current Psychiatry Reports 29 (9), DOI: 10.1007/s11920-023-01435-7. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (4)]

Lievesley, R. and Lapworth, R. (2021), “We do exist”: The Experiences of Females Living with a Sexual Interest in Minors, Archives of Sexual Behavior. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (1)]

Lievesley, R., Swaby, H, Harper, C.A., and Woodward, E. (2022) “Primary health professionals’ beliefs, experiences, and willingness to treat minor attracted persons,” Archives of Sexual Behavio, DOI: 10.1007/s10508-021-02271-7. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (2)].

Lievesley, R , Swaby, H , Stevenson, J  & Harper, C. (2024) ‘“Not offending is easy. The double life, the secrets, the loneliness are the hardest parts I needed help with”: understanding the treatment needs of people with attractions to children’, Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, DOI:[Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 5 (1)].


Marečková A., Androvicova R., Bártová K., Krejčová l., & Klapilová K. (2021) Men with paraphilic interests and their desire to interact with a sex robot, Journal of Future Robot Life. 1, 1-10. DOI 10.3233/FRL-210010. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (1)]

Maroño, A., Bartels, R. M., Hill, K., Papagathonikou, T. and Hitchman, G. (2023) “Exploring the stigmatisation of offending and non-offending paedophiles: a terror management approach”,Journal of Criminal Psychology 13 (4), DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (4)]

Martijn, F. M., Babchishin, K. M.,  Pullman, L. E.,  Roche, K, and Seto, M. C. (2021) Attraction to Physical and Psychological Features of Children in Child-Attracted Persons, DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2021.1948957. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (1)]

McKillop, N. and Price, S. (2023) “The Potential for Anti-Stigma Interventions to Change Public Attitudes Toward Minor-Attracted Persons: A Replication and Extension of Jara and Jeglic’s Study”, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, DOI: 10.1080/10538712.2023.2204864. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (3)].

McPhail, I.V. (2024) “The Subjective Experience of Individuals with Pedohebephilic Interest”, Current Sexual Health Reports 16, DOI:[Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 4 (2)]

McPhail, I.V., Olver, M. E., Nicholaichuk, T. P., & Haynes, A. (2020) “Convergent and predictive associations of three measures of pedophilic interest”, Sexual Abuse: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (1)].

McPhail, I.V. and Skye Stephens, S. (2024) “Development and Initial Validation of Measures of Proximal Stigmas and Experiences of Discrimination for Minor Attracted People”, Archives of Sexual Behavior (forthcoming). [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 4 (2)]

Moss, S., Stephens, S., McPhail, I. (2021) “The Association between Maladaptive Coping and Treatment Motivation in Individuals who are Sexually Attracted to Children Living in the Community”, Journal of Sex and Martial Therapy, DOI:  10.1080/0092623X.2021.1922564. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (4)].

Münch, R. Walther, and H. Müller, S. (2020) “Should Behavior Harmful to Others Be a Sufficient Criterion of Mental Disorders? Conceptual Problems of the Diagnoses of Antisocial Personality Disorder and Pedophilic Disorder”, Front Psychiatry, 11:558655. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (1)].

Mundy, C. (2022) “10 years later: Revisiting Seto’s (2012) conceptualization of orientation to sexual maturity among pedohebephilic persons”, The Canadian journal of human sexuality 31 (5), DOI: http://10.3138/cjhs.2022-0006. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (1)]

Mundy, C., Lewis, H., and Cioe, J. (2021) “Romantic and Sexual Relationships with Adult Partners Among Pedohebephilic Men”, Archives of Sexual Behavior, DOI: 10.31234/ [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (4)].

Murphy, R. (2024) “A pilot study: Exploring suicidal ideation among non-offending adults with sexual attraction to minors, through their online forum posts”, Journal of Social Work, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 4 (3)].


Nematy, A., Flynn, S., and McCarthy-Jones, S. (2023) “YouTube Commenters’ Discourse of Paedophilia: A Qualitative Social Media Analysis”, Sexuality & Culture, DOI: 10.1007/s12119-023-10117-8. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (4)]

Nematy, A, Flynn, S, and McCarthy-Jones, S. (2024) “Perspectives, Treatment Goals, and Approaches of Prevention-Specialist Mental Health Professionals in Working With Clients Attracted to Children”, Sexual Abuse, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 4 (3)].

Nielsen M. H., Aaskov L., and Larsen J. E. (2020) “When virtuous paedophiles meet online: A sociological study of a paedophile community”, Sexualities: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (2)].


Ó Ciardha, C., Ildeniz, G., Karoğlu, N. (2021) “The prevalence of sexual interest in children and sexually harmful behavior self-reported by males recruited through an online crowdsourcing platform”, Sex Abuse: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (3)].

O’Connor, A. and Gannon, T. A. (2021) “An examination of the prevalence and characteristics of UK community males who hold a sexual interest in children using the revised interest in child molestation scale”, Psychology, Crime & Law, DOI: 10.1080/1068316X.2021.1876049. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (4)].


Pedneault, C. I., Hilgard, J., Pettersen, C., Hermann, C. A., White, K., & Nunes, K. L. (2021) “How well do indirect measures assess sexual interest in children? A meta-analysis.”, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (3)].

Pham, A. T., Nunes, K. L., Maimone, S., & Jung, S. (2022) “Childhood sexual victimization, pedophilic interest, and antisocial orientation”, Sexual Offending: Theory, Research, and Prevention. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (3)].


Roche, K., Lalumière, M. L., Pagacz, J., & Seto, M. C. (2024) “Public Perceptions of Individuals Attracted to Children: The Impact of the Person’s Gender, Child Gender, and Preferentiality on Stigma and Perceived Risk to Offend”, Sexual Abuse, DOI:[Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 5 (1)].

Roche, K. and Stephens, S. (in press) “Clinician stigma and willingness to treat those with sexual interest in children,” Sexual Offending: Theory, Research, and Prevention, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (2)]

Roche, K., Stephens, S., Moss, S., and Seto, M. (2022) “Online forum use in child attracted persons”, The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 31 (3), DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (1)]


Savoie, V, Quayle, E, and Flynn, E (2021) “Prevalence and correlates of individuals with sexual interest in children: A systematic review”, Child Abuse & Neglect, Vol. 115, DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2021.10500. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (4)].

Scarpazza, C., Finos, L., Genon, S., Masiero, L., Bortolato, E., Cavaliere, C,. Pezzaioli, J., Monaro, M., Navarin, N., Battaglia, U., Pietrini, P., Ferracuti, S., Sartori, G., and Ciani. A.S.C (2021) “Idiopathic and acquired pedophilia as two distinct disorders: an insight from neuroimaging”, Brain Imaging and Behavior: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (2)].

Schaefer, A., Wittenberg, A., Galynker, I. and Cohen, L.J. (2022) “Qualitative Analysis of Minor Attracted Persons’ Subjective Experience: Implications for Treatment”, Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, DOI: https://10.1080/0092623X.2022.2126808. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (1)]

Schmidt, A. F. and Imhoff, R. (2021) Toward a Theory of Chronophilic Sexual Orientation in Heterosexual Men, in Sexual Deviance: Understanding Interest in Children and Its Link to Sexual Offending Against Children, Wiley-Blackwell. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (1)]

Schmidt, A. F. and Niehaus, S. (2022) “Outpatient Therapists’ Perspectives on Working With Persons Who Are Sexually Interested in Minors”, Archives of Sexual Behavior, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (4)]

Schippers, E., Smid, W. J., Hoogsteder, L. M., Planting, C., and de Vogel, V. (2023) “Pedophilia is associated with lower sexual interest in adults: Meta-analyses and a systematic review with men who had sexually offended against children”,  Aggression and Violent Behavior Vol. 69, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (2)]

Schnellbächer, G.J., Dukart, J., Hansen, J. Y., Markello, R. D., Mokros, A., Pietsch, V.,  Ristow, I., Sakreida, K., Walter, M., Eickhoff, S.B., and Poeppl, T.B. (2023) “Aberrant brain activity in pedophilia links to receptor distribution, gene expression, and behavior”, Nature Mental Health, DOI:[Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 4 (2)]

Schuler et al. (2021) “Empathy in paedophilia and sexual offending against children: a longitudinal extension”, Journal of Sexual Aggression. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (2)]

Speer, L., Schuler M., Keil, J., Moran, J. K., Pantazidis, P., Amelung, T., Florack, J. Beier, M. K. and Senkowski, D. (2020) “Sexual preference for pubescent children is associated with enhanced processing of child faces in juveniles”, European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (1)].

Steel, C. M. S., Newman, E., O’Rourke, S., & Quayle, E. (2022). Suicidal ideation in offenders convicted of child sexual exploitation material offences. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 1– 16. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (2)]

Stelzmann, D., Jahnke, S. and Kuhle, L. F. (2022) “Media Coverage of Pedophilia and Its Impact on Help-Seeking Persons with Pedophilia in Germany – A Focus Group Study”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (15), DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (4)]

Stephens, S., McPhail, I. V., Heasman, A., & Moss, S. (2021) “Mandatory Reporting and Clinician Decision-Making When a Client Discloses Sexual Interest in Children”, Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (3)].

Stephens, S., Elchuk, D., Davidson, M. et al. (2022) “A Review of Childhood Sexual Abuse Perpetration Prevention Programs”, Current Psychiatry Reports 24, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (2)]

Swaminath, S., Simons, R. M., and Hatwan, M. L. (2023) “Understanding Pedophilia: A Theoretical Framework on the Development of Sexual Penchants”, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 32 (6), DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (4)]


Tozdan, S., Briken, P. and Schröder, J. (2021), Women with Sexual Interest in Children – Results from an Online Survey Among a Non-Forensic Female Sample, Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, DOI: 10.1080/0092623X.2021.2005208. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (1)]

Tozdan, S., Hübener, G., Briken, P. and Schröder, J. (2023) “What do women with sexual interest in children tell us about the assumed cause of their sexual interest in children, (non-)disclosure, and professional help?—Results of a qualitative content analysis”, International Journal of Impotence Research, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (2)]


Vaerwaeter, B. [Pseudonym] (2022) “The Pedophile as a Human Being: An Autoethnography for the Recognition of a Marginalized Sexual Orientation”, Controversial Ideas 2 (1), DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (1)]

Vásquez-Amézquita, M., Leongómez, J. D., Salvador, A., Seto, M. C. (2023) “What can the eyes tell us about atypical sexual preferences as a function of sex and age? Linking eye movements with child-related chronophilias”, Forensic Sciences Research, DOI: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 3 (3)].

Velasquez Marafiga, C, Lima de Oliveira, E., Nunes Penna, N, and Falcke, D (2021) “Life history of men with pedophilic disorder serving time in prison”, Ciencias Psicológicas Vol. 15 (2), DOI: : [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 2 (2)]


Walker, A. (2021) A Long, Dark Shadow: Minor-Attracted People and Their Pursuit of DIgnity, University of California Press. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (4)].

Walker, A., Butters, R. P., and Nichols, E. (2021) “‘I Would Report It Even If They Have Not Committed Anything’: Social Service Students’ Attitudes Toward Minor-Attracted People”, Sexual Abuse: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (2)].

Winters G.M., Jeglic E.L., and Kaylor L.E. (2020) “Validation of the Sexual Grooming Model of Child Sexual Abusers”, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 29 (7), p.1-21. PMID: 33006502. [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (1)].

Wurtele, S. K. (2021) “’They’re Not Monsters!’ Changing University Students’ Perceptions of Child Sex Offenders through Education and Contact”, Journal of Criminal Justice Education: [Reviewed in B4QR Vol. 1 (3)].