
Why call someone by what we don’t want them to be?

Why call someone by what we don’t want them to be? The ethics of labeling in forensic/correctional psychology Gwenda M. Willis School of Psychology, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand ABSTRACT Labeling a person by their past behavior or a criminal conviction is commonplace throughout forensic and correctional psychology.…...

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Call for Proposals for 2018 Research Symposium

Research on Minor-Attracted People: Expanding the Focus Saturday, September 22, 2018...

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Call for Proposals for Fall 2018 Research Symposium

B4U-ACT is now accepting presentation proposals for its fall 2018 symposium entitled “Research on Minor-Attracted People: Expanding the Focus.” The theme of the symposium is the importance of studies that move beyond abuse prevention toward understanding the development and well-being of MAPs. The keynote speaker is Dr. Jill Levenson, PhD,…...

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Request for MAPs to Participate in Study about Attraction

B4U-ACT regularly collaborates with and advertises studies we feel will contribute to professional understanding of MAPs and/or to MAPs’ well-being. If you are an MAP and you’d like to contribute to such professional understanding, please consider participating in the online study described below, being conducted by a master’s student from…...

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Request for MAPs to Participate in Study about Attraction

B4U-ACT regularly collaborates with and advertises studies we feel will contribute to professional understanding of MAPs and/or to MAPs’ well-being. If you are an MAP and you’d like to contribute to such professional understanding, please consider participating in the online study described below, being conducted by a master’s student from…...

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B4U-ACT Holds Spring 2017 Workshop

B4U-ACT held its ninth full-day workshop, entitled “Developing Best Practices for Working with Minor-Attracted People,” on Friday, April 28, 2017, in Baltimore, MD. Thirty-seven people attended, including minor-attracted persons (MAPs), MAP family members, mental health professionals, students, professors, and advocates. More details about the workshop are available on the workshop…...

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Seeking MAPs from the UK and Northern Ireland for Survey

Research participants required – University of Surrey [This announcement is posted on behalf of researchers who are conducting an anonymous online survey of MAPs from the UK and Northern Ireland. As with all studies publicized by B4U-ACT, this one has been vetted to ensure that it has the potential to…...

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Seeking MAPs for Interview Study

Seeking People Interested in Being a Part of a Study about the Therapy-Seeking Behavior of Men Attracted to Minors UPDATE: Participants may now be interviewed by email rather than voice chat if they prefer. Male MAPs are invited to participate in a research study about understanding the help-seeking behaviors of…...

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MAPs Wanted for Interview Study

UPDATE: The researcher has found sufficient MAPs for his interviews, and is therefore no longer seeking participants. Mikkel Rask Pedersen is an anthropologist from Aarhus University in Denmark writing his final Master’s thesis on the relationship between how minor attracted people shape and manage their identity in resistance to societal…...

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B4U-ACT Holds Spring 2016 Workshop

B4U-ACT held its eighth full-day workshop, entitled “Mental Health for Minor-Attracted People: Keeping Wellness First,” on Friday, April 22, 2016, in Baltimore, MD. Approximately 35 people attended, including minor-attracted persons (MAPs), MAP family members, mental health professionals, graduate students, and professors. B4U-ACT co-founder and board chair Russell Dick began the…...

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