B4U-ACT provides a private email group that allows family members and friends of minor-attracted people to support each other in a safe and comfortable environment. If someone you care about is attracted to minors, you may feel afraid, confused, anxious, or sad. Maybe you just need to talk to someone else in a similar situation. You may want to try to better understand the person you care about and how you can help him. This is a place where you can talk openly and honestly, without fear of judgment, about things you might not be able to discuss anywhere else.
B4U-ACT’s family and friends group hosts both calls and email-based support. The group is private and confidential, and administered via Google Groups. No one has experienced any problems legal, social, or otherwise as a result of joining our groups. However, because privacy concerns are an issue, we recommend all family and friends of MAPs who write to us or post at the group do so using pseudonyms and e-mail addresses unrelated to their personal lives. If you are interested in joining, email ffsupport@b4uact.org.