Allen Bishop
Russell Dick, Richard Kramer, Aiden Morris
Isaac Aschenbach, Allen Bishop, Harriet Dymond, Richard Kramer, Amy Lawrence, Aiden Morris, Sarah Moss, Gary Parmlee, Kailey Roche, Maria Sklavou, Jasmin Stevenson, Joseph Thomas
Honored Young Scholar:
Harriet Dymond
Issue References
Jahnke, S., Schmidt, A. F., Klöckner, A. and Hoyer, J. (2021) Neurodevelopmental Differences, Pedohebephilia, and Sexual Offending: Findings from Two Online Surveys, Archives of Sexual Behavior, DOI: 10.31234/osf.io/c9syz
Lehmann, R. J. B., Schmidt, A. F. and Jahnke, S. (2021) Stigmatization of Paraphilias and Psychological Conditions Linked to Sexual Offending, The Journal of Sex Research: DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2020.1754748
Lievesley, R. and Lapworth, R. (2021), “We do exist”: The Experiences of Females Living with a Sexual Interest in Minors, Archives of Sexual Behavior.
Marečková A., Androvicova R., Bártová K., Krejčová l., & Klapilová K. (2021) Men with paraphilic interests and their desire to interact with a sex robot, Journal of Future Robot Life. 1, 1-10. DOI 10.3233/FRL-210010
Martijn, F. M., Babchishin, K. M., Pullman, L. E., Roche, K, and Seto, M. C. (2021) Attraction to Physical and Psychological Features of Children in Child-Attracted Persons, DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2021.1948957
Schmidt, A. F. and Imhoff, R. (2021) Toward a Theory of Chronophilic Sexual Orientation in Heterosexual Men, in Sexual Deviance: Understanding Interest in Children and Its Link to Sexual Offending Against Children, Wiley-Blackwell.
Tozdan, S., Briken, P. and Schröder, J. (2021), Women with Sexual Interest in Children – Results from an Online Survey Among a Non-Forensic Female Sample, Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/0092623X.2021.2005208