

MAPs Wanted for Study on Romantic Relationships with Adults

Principal Investigator: Jan Cioe, Ph.D., Psychology Department, University of British Columbia Okanagan, tel: (250) 807-8732, email: jan.cioe@ubc.ca

Co-Investigator: Hailee Lewis, Undergraduate Student, Psychology Department, UBC Okanagan, email: haileelewis@alumni.ubc.ca. Crystal Mundy, Clinical Ph.D. Student, Psychology Department, UBC Okanagan, email: crystalmundy@alumni.ubc.ca

Study Name: Romantic and Sexual Relationships with Adult Partners among Minor-Attracted Persons

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the reasons minor-attracted persons choose to engage in romantic relationships and sex with adult romantic partners. A romantic relationship with an adult partner is considered to be a relationship between two individuals 18 years old or older which is or was not purely sexual in nature. Minor attraction can be defined as having a dominant sexual interest in children. We hope this study will provide greater understanding of minor attracted persons’ romantic relationships and guide supports for minor-attracted persons in or desiring a relationship with an adult partner.

Description: This study involves completing an online survey. Personal identification information (e.g., full name, address, IP address) will not be recorded. Provided answers will be completely anonymous. However, you can take additional efforts to safeguard your information. This may include utilizing incognito tabs, deleting your browser history, or downloading and using a virtual proxy network to further mask your IP address. You will be free to skip any questions you do not wish to answer without penalty.

This online questionnaire is administered by the UBC-hosted version of Qualtrics. This is fully compliant with the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) because the survey data are kept secure. Further, the data are stored and backed up in Canada, and are subject to Canadian privacy laws. Data will be kept in password-protected computer files for a minimum of 5 years after publication, as required by the University. The only people who will be able to access these files are Dr. Cioe and his research associates. All associates have signed confidentiality forms. If you are to disclose information that indicates a child is currently at risk, or there is a future risk of abuse or neglect, please be advised that the researcher must, by law, report this information to the appropriate authorities which is why we advise you to refrain from providing identifying information about yourself. However, the researchers will protect the confidentiality of participants to the best of their ability.

Eligibility: You must be 18 years or older and identify as minor attracted. You must be relatively fluent in English. You must also have a desire to be in, have been in, or currently are in a romantic relationship with an adult partner (an individual 18-years or older).

Duration: 30 minutes

Study link: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1zholmuiJDknaQJ